
If You Need World PCBA For Your Business, please contact us!

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Components Sourcing

We have more than 10 years working experience in component market,We have close trade relationship with major factories and agents in the US, Germany, Finland, UK, Italy, Japan, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Chinese mainland and share inventory information.

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We have a price advantage in TI, ST, NXP, ADI, Xilinx, Intel, Microchip ,Infineon ,U-blox,Vishay ,Panasonnic ,Diode , etc. 

Our customer-centric data-driven solutions can be tailored to meet the goals and future needs of the client company. The main supply chain solutions include:

● Global search for materials in short supply

● Cost reduction

● Inventory asset management

● BOM matching

● Discontinued material management

● Financial support

● Other value-added services

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